Free intermediate French course online 

This Intermediate French language course contains:
-  10 dialogues with audio, French transcripts and English translation,
- 40 grammar explanations with hundreds of examples of French grammar in use,
- Hundreds of recording of French words and French sentences as well as
- 2 French language tests.

We hope you enjoy learning French with our Free online French lessons. Enjoy!

Lesson 1     Lesson 2     Lesson 3      Lesson 4       Lesson 5       Lesson 6

Lesson 7     Lesson 8      Lesson 9     Lesson 10     Lesson 11    Lesson 12

Intermediate French course : Lesson 1

  1. Vocabulary Awareness
  2. Dialogue:Au bureau de placement (At the employment agency)
  3. Useful Words
  4. Practice using new Vocabulary
  5. Grammar 1 - Introduction and examples: Imperfect (l'imparfait)
  6. Grammar 1 - Practice drills: Imperfect (l'imparfait)
  7. Grammar 2 - Introduction and examples: Stressed pronouns (les pronoms toniques)
  8. Grammar 2 - Practice drills: Stressed pronouns (les pronoms toniques)
  9. Grammar 3 - Introduction and examples: ‘ne ... que’
  10. Grammar 3 - Practice drills: ‘ne ... que’
  11. Grammar 4 - Introduction and examples: Adverbs (Adverbes)
  12. Grammar 4 - Practice drills: Adverbs (Adverbes)
  13. Grammar 5 - Introduction and examples: Verbs like vendre
  14. Grammar 5 - Practice drills: Verbs like vendre

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Intermediate French course : Lesson 2

  1. Vocabulary Awareness
  2. Dialogue: La douane (customs)
  3. Useful Words
  4. Practice using new Vocabulary
  5. Grammar 1 - Introduction and examples: Le Passé Composé et l'Imparfait
  6. Grammar 1 - Practice drills: Le Passé Composé et l'Imparfait
  7. Grammar 2 - Introduction and examples: Possessive pronouns (Pronoms possessifs)
  8. Grammar 2 - Practice drills: Possessive pronouns (Pronoms possessifs)
  9. Grammar 3 - Introduction and examples: tout, toute, tous, toutes
  10. Grammar 3 - Practice drills: tout, toute, tous, toutes
  11. Grammar 4 - Introduction and examples: Other adverbs (Autres adverbes)
  12. Grammar 4 - Practice drills: Other adverbs (Autres adverbes)
  13. Grammar 5 - Introduction and examples: Verbs like écrire (to write)
  14. Grammar 5 - Practice drills: Verbs like écrire (to write)

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Intermediate French course : Lesson 3

  1. Vocabulary Awareness
  2. Dialogue: L’école (school)
  3. Useful Words
  4. Practice using new Vocabulary
  5. Grammar 1 - Introduction and examples: Verbs like "mettre" (to put, to put in)
  6. Grammar 1 - Practice drills: Verbs like "mettre" (to put, to put in)
  7. Grammar 2 - Introduction and examples: French future tense (Le futur)
  8. Grammar 2 - Practice drills: French future tense (Le futur)
  9. Grammar 3 - Introduction and examples: Relative pronouns (Pronoms relatifs)
  10. Grammar 3 - Practice drills: Relative pronouns (Pronoms relatifs)
  11. Grammar 4 - Introduction and examples: Relative pronouns after a preposition 
  12. Grammar 4 - Practice drills: Relative pronouns after a preposition 
  13. Grammar 5 - Introduction and examples: Prepositions followed by interrogative pronouns 
  14. Grammar 5 - Practice drills: Prepositions followed by interrogative pronouns "qui" and "quoi"

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Intermediate French course : Lesson 4

  1. Vocabulary Awareness
  2. Dialogue: Parlons spectacle (let’s talk about the theater)
  3. Useful Words
  4. Practice using new Vocabulary
  5. Grammar 1 - Introduction and examples: Verbs like recevoir (to receive)
  6. Grammar 1 - Practice drills: Verbs like recevoir (to receive)
  7. Grammar 2 - Introduction and examples: French conditional tense (Le conditionnel)
  8. Grammar 2 - Practice drills: French conditional tense (Le conditionnel)
  9. Grammar 3 - Introduction and examples: Interrogative pronouns (Pronoms interrogatifs)
  10. Grammar 3 - Practice drills: Interrogative pronouns (Pronoms interrogatifs)
  11. Grammar 4 - Introduction and examples: Relative pronoun 'dont'
  12. Grammar 4 - Practice drills: Relative pronoun 'dont'
  13. Grammar 5 - Introduction and examples: Using ‘lequel, laquelle, etc.’ as interrogative pronouns
  14. Grammar 5 - Practice drills: Using ‘lequel, laquelle, etc.’ as interrogative pronouns

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Intermediate French course : Lesson 5

  1. Vocabulary Awareness
  2.  Dialogue: A l'aéroport (At the airport)
  3. Useful Words
  4. Practice using new Vocabulary
  5. Grammar 1 - Introduction and examples: Verbs like prendre (to take)
  6. Grammar 1 - Practice drills: Verbs like prendre (to take)
  7. Grammar 2 - Introduction and examples: Pronominal verbs (Verbes pronominaux)
  8. Grammar 2 - Practice drills: Pronominal verbs (Verbes pronominaux)
  9. Grammar 3 - Introduction and examples: Indefinite pronouns : rien, personne
  10. Grammar 3 - Practice drills: Indefinite pronouns : rien, personne
  11. Grammar 4 - Introduction and examples: Demonstrative pronouns (Pronoms démonstratifs)
  12. Grammar 4 - Practice drills: Demonstrative pronouns (Pronoms démonstratifs)
  13. Grammar 5 - Introduction and examples: The subjunctive (le subjonctif) - Step 1 and 2
  14. Grammar 5 - Practice drills: The subjunctive (le subjonctif) - Step 1 and 2

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Intermediate French course : Lesson 6

  1. Intermediate French course - Lesson 6 - Exercise 1
  2. Intermediate French course - Lesson 6 - Exercise 2
  3. Intermediate French course - Lesson 6 - Exercise 3
  4. Intermediate French course - Lesson 6 - Exercise 4
  5. Intermediate French course - Lesson 6 - Exercise 5

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Intermediate French course : Lesson 7

  1. Vocabulary Awareness
  2. Dialogue: La visite du docteur (The doctor's house call)
  3. Useful Words
  4. Practice using new Vocabulary
  5. Grammar 1 - Introduction and examples: Verbs like "craindre" (to fear)
  6. Grammar 1 - Practice drills: Verbs like "craindre" (to fear)
  7. Grammar 2 - Introduction and examples: Subjunctive (Le subjonctif) - Step 3
  8. Grammar 2 - Practice drills: Subjunctive (Le subjonctif) - Step 3
  9. Grammar 3 - Introduction and examples: Pluperfect and Past conditional
  10. Grammar 3 - Practice drills: Pluperfect and Past conditional
  11. Grammar 4 - Introduction and examples: Accord du participe passé
  12. Grammar 4 - Practice drills: Accord du participe passé
  13. Grammar 5 - Introduction and examples: Subjunctive (Le subjonctif) - Step 4
  14. Grammar 5 - Practice drills: Subjunctive (Le subjonctif) - Step 4

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Intermediate French course : Lesson 8

  1. Vocabulary Awareness
  2. Dialogue: Projets de voyage (Plans for a trip)
  3. Useful Words
  4. Practice using new Vocabulary
  5. Grammar 1 - Introduction and examples: Verbs like "ouvrir" (to open)
  6. Grammar 1 - Practice drills: Verbs like "ouvrir" (to open)
  7. Grammar 2 - Introduction and examples: Subjunctive (Le subjonctif) - Step 5
  8. Grammar 2 - Practice drills: Subjunctive (Le subjonctif) - Step 5
  9. Grammar 3 - Introduction and examples: Other negative adverbs (Autres adverbes négatifs)
  10. Grammar 3 - Practice drills: Other negative adverbs (Autres adverbes négatifs)

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Intermediate French course : Lesson 9

  1. Vocabulary Awareness
  2. Dialogue: Il est question d'argent (About money)
  3. Useful Words
  4. Practice using new Vocabulary
  5. Grammar 1 - Introduction and examples: Indefinite Determiners - Aucun, Aucune (none)
  6. Grammar 1 - Practice drills: Indefinite Determiners - Aucun, Aucune (none)
  7. Grammar 2 - Introduction and examples: Subjunctive (Le subjonctif) - Step 6
  8. Grammar 2 - Practice drills: Subjunctive (Le subjonctif) - Step 6
  9. Grammar 3 - Introduction and examples: ‘c'est’ and ‘il est’
  10. Grammar 3 - Practice drills: ‘c'est’ and ‘il est’

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Intermediate French course : Lesson 10

  1. Vocabulary Awareness
  2. Dialogue: Un accident d'auto (A car accident)
  3. Useful Words
  4. Practice using new Vocabulary
  5. Grammar 1 - Introduction and examples: Verbs review (Révision des verbes)
  6. Grammar 1 - Practice drills: Verbs review (Révision des verbes)
  7. Grammar 2 - Introduction and examples: Subjunctive (Le subjonctif) - Step 7
  8. Grammar 2 - Practice drills: Subjunctive (Le subjonctif) - Step 7

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Intermediate French course : Lesson 11

  1. Vocabulary Awareness
  2. Dialogue: Paris de nuit (Paris by night)
  3. Useful Words
  4. Practice using new Vocabulary
  5. Grammar 1 - Introduction and examples: Verbe + préposition + nom
  6. Grammar 1 - Practice drills: Verbe + préposition + nom
  7. Grammar 2 - Introduction and examples: Verbe + préposition + verbe à l'infinitif
  8. Grammar 2 - Practice drills: Verbe + préposition + verbe à l'infinitif

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Intermediate French course : Lesson 12

  1. Intermediate French course - Lesson 12 -  Exercise 1
  2. Intermediate French course - Lesson 12 - Exercise 2
  3. Intermediate French course - Lesson 12 - Exercise 3
  4. Intermediate French course - Lesson 12 - Exercise 4
  5. Intermediate French course - Lesson 12 - Exercise 5

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